R33,860.00 donated
36 Donors



This is an opportunity to give back to the special souls that have turned our many dreams into memorable experiences. 

COVID-19 has hugely impacted the Travel and Tourism sector worldwide, which has led to a significant amount of job losses globally. Since the start of the travel restrictions came into effect, many operations have lost 100% of their income and as a result, negatively impacted their families leaving many destitute.

We are excited to announce that the National Federation of Tourist Guides and Affiliates South Africa  (NFTGA) and JAMSA, an established public benefit organisation, with the support of Tourvest Destination Management, F Collin Logistics and Consulting and several other industry affiliates, have created an aid programme to raise money and assist the tourist guides, drivers and their families that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The NFTGA SOS Campaign for beneficiary families in distress aims to provide tourist guide and driver families with donations, in the form of food parcels. This specific aid programme will run for as long as the current crisis creates hardship for the tourist guide and driver members  of the NFTGA and their families.

This partnership allows the NFTGA to issue – to both public and corporate donors – section 18A tax certificates that allow them to claim a tax deduction for the donation.

#NFTGAsos #NFTGAdonate #NFTGAaid #NFTGAguideassist #NFTGAdriverassist #TourvestDM #TourGuide #AidProgramme 

The outcomes

The outcome of this campaign is to collect donations from both corporates and private individuals, in order to start procuring rations for food aid distribution to the hardest hit of our tourist guide and driver NFTGA member families.

Together with the assistance of Tourvest Destination Management and our other affiliates, we will be aiming at contributions from business, while through our tourist guide and driver members, we will propagate the campaign through social media and aim at direct contributions from the public.

We realise that we have set our aim high, and that raising the funds that will be needed to provide food aid on the scale envisioned, will require much generosity from donors, but it is at this stage a matter of survival.

We are not looking at providing frills, we are looking at providing essentials.  We have faith in the inherent goodness of the human spirit, and believe that our industry and our clients will stand by us in solidarity during this time of need.

What comes next?

Once fund raising is up and running, we will rely on the expertise and experience of JAMSA in procurement and distribution, to get our assistance to reach as far as possible.

With the support of affiliates and members, we will set up distribution points for packing of food parcels, and arrange dispensing stations manned by volunteers.

The campaign will see tourist guides’ and drivers’ information uploaded on to a mobile application where, in turn, they will receive an SMS notification that they have been allocated a food parcel, along with a date, time and place for collection.

Once the collection notification has been sent, along with a list of contents of the food parcel, the tourist guide or driver will be required to take stock of the contents and confirm contents via the SMS service.

This approach will ensure that distressed families are provided for equally and in a non-discriminatory manner, as the funds are raised and disbursed.

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